You can’t drive under the influence of cannabis.
You can’t drive under the influence of cannabis.
Cannabis affects everyone differently. If you have consumed cannabis, it’s recommended you wait at least six hours before driving. It’s dangerous to drive while intoxicated by any substance. By driving impaired, you can be charged a fine of at least $1,000 and given a court-ordered driving prohibition for at least one year to a maximum of three years for a first offence, and mandatory jail sentences for subsequent offences. Impaired drivers also receive sanctions, such as driver’s licence suspension, vehicle impoundment, and mandatory breathalyzer use, under the Highway Traffic Act.
You must be 19+ years old to buy or consume cannabis.
You must be 19+ years old to buy or consume cannabis.
In Manitoba, the legal age to use, purchase or possess non-medical cannabis is 19 years of age.
To stop minors from purchasing cannabis:
- retail cannabis stores with age-restricted licences must not permit a person younger than 19 years old to enter the store.
- retail cannabis stores with a controlled-access licence may allow a person younger than 19 years old to enter the store, but cannabis must not be visible or accessible.
- regulations under The Liquor, Gaming and Cannabis Control Act set out the types of identification that are acceptable to verify a person’s age.
You can’t give cannabis to a minor. Always store it safely.
You can’t give cannabis to a minor. Always store it safely.
It is illegal to purchase or supply cannabis to anyone younger than 19 years old. The current fine is $2,542.
Children and pets who consume cannabis can have very dangerous reactions, often resulting in hospitalization for children and veterinary care for pets. Clearly label anything that contains cannabis and store it in containers that are child-proof, out of reach and out of view.
You can only buy legal cannabis from licensed retailers.
You can only buy legal cannabis from licensed retailers.
Purchasing cannabis from licensed retailers ensures you will receive a safer product and have the accurate product information you need to make an informed choice. Click here for a list of licensed cannabis retailers in Manitoba.
You can’t smoke or vape cannabis in public.
You can’t smoke or vape cannabis in public.
Smoking or vaping cannabis is illegal in Manitoba in public places including:
- streets and sidewalks
- parks and beaches, including provincial parks
- school grounds
- restaurant patios and decks
- the grounds of health-care facilities
- any additional places that may be specified by regulation
Smoking or vaping cannabis also is illegal in enclosed public places. There are some exceptions, related to medical care, such as designated rooms in a hospital’s palliative care unit or an end-of-life hospice. If you consume cannabis, it is important to do so with people you trust in a safe place, such as in your home.
When transporting cannabis, you must store it out of reach.
When transporting cannabis, you must store it out of reach.
The Highway Traffic Act requires that cannabis products are stored in the trunk, an exterior compartment on the vehicle or another space designed for the carriage of goods or baggage that is not easily accessible to any person in the vehicle. If the vehicle is a station wagon, van, sport utility vehicle, crossover or hatchback style, cannabis must be stored behind the rear of the last seat, whether or not that seat is in an upright position. If the vehicle is a motor home, cannabis must be stored in a cabinet or storage compartment away from the driver’s area. For more information, see sections 213.1(1) and (2) of The Highway Traffic Act.
You can carry up to 30 grams of cannabis in public.
You can carry up to 30 grams of cannabis in public.
In Manitoba, you can possess up to 30 grams of non-medical cannabis in public if you are at least 19 years of age. See the Department of Justice for more information about federal possession limits.
1 gram of dried cannabis is equal to:
- 5 grams of fresh cannabis
- 15 grams of edible cannabis product
- 70 grams of liquid cannabis product
- 0.25 grams of cannabis concentrates (solid or liquid)
- 1 cannabis plant seed
You can’t have cannabis in a raffle prize.
You can’t have cannabis in a raffle prize.
Cannabis, related accessories and gift cards from cannabis retailers can’t be raffled off at a social or fundraising event.